


What is IVF Treatment or ICSI Treatment?

IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. It refers to the process by which a woman’s eggs are collected and then fertilized outside her womb in the laboratory.

This is done in a Petri dish (“in vitro” is Latin for “in glass”) where the collected eggs are kept and the washed semen containing sperms is added to it so that one of the sperms fertilizes the egg.

The fertilized eggs (embryos) are cultivated and grown in the laboratory and after appropriate growth; they are transferred back to the uterine cavity.


Who Requires ICSI ?

ICSI Treatment has proved to be very useful in couples who had Failed IVF Treatment earlier in achieving fertilization or had very poor fertilization where the male partner has abnormal sperm parameters like severe oligospermia (very low count), severe asthenozoospermia (very less motility), severe teratozoospermia (high percentage of abnormal sperms) or a combination of abnormalities like oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (very low count, poor motility, abnormal sperms).

ICSI also can be performed in azoospermic men (where semen sample contains no sperms).

In such cases the testis are producing sperms but due to block in the tubules or in the path through which the sperms come out from the testis, the sperms produced in the testis cannot come out.

Different Kind of Sperm Morphologies in IVF treatment

    Pictures showing different kind of sperm morphologies Click Below link.

    • Normal Sperm
    • Tapered sperm head
    • Round headed sperm
    • Amorphous sperm head
    • Elongated sperm head & sperm with double head.

What is the Purpose of IVF Treatment?

The purpose of IVF treatment is to:

By pass the fallopian tube where fertilization normally occurs, so that we can overcome tubal factor if it is one of the factors causing infertility.

IVF / ICSI can also bypass mechanical factors, sperm defects like acrosome defect or oocyte defects like zona pellucida being too thick. With IVF treatment/ICSI, subtle hormonal defects get corrected and endometrial receptivity improves. Unexplained infertility may be due to one of the above factors and may get corrected by IVF treatment/ICSI treatment cycle at seeds..



Intra-uterine insemination (IUI) also known as Artificial Insemination is a process in which the washed/processed semen is placed directly into the uterine cavity with the help of a thin sterile plastic tube (catheter) in and around the time of ovulation (release of egg from the ovary).

The main reasons where it is used are as follows:

Male Causes

Low sperm count and/ or less number of motile sperms

Anatomic defects of the penis (abnormal structure of penis) leading to failure of deposition of sperm correctly

Sexual or ejaculatory dysfunction (problems related to having sexual intercourse or release of sperms in the vagina)


Success rate in IUI (Artificial Insemination)

The success rate of IUI (Artificial Insemination) depends on a multitude of factors like women’s age, ovarian reserve, previous obstetric history and semen parameters and most importantly on stimulation protocol used.

IUI (Artificial Insemination) done in natural cycles has a success rate of 8-10%. Stimulation done with oral medications (Clomiphene Citrate) increases the success rate to 14 – 15%.

Use of injectable Gonadotrophins increases the rate of success to 18 – 20%.

Using highly potent recombinant Gonadotrophinsfurther increases the success rate.

Addition of GnRh antagonist increases the pregnancy rates further by 26-30%


Male infertility

Today male infertility being faced by millions of men. In the event, that your partner is experiencing difficulty in getting pregnant, you are not the only one. The good news is that male infertility treatment is available & most of the time problems are re-curable.

Whether you are suffering from low sperm count issue or are concerned companion, or relative, then you may have many questions regarding it. All your questions are answered only at Dr. Umesh R. Marathe’s Seeds IVF Fertility Centre in Nashik.


Low sperm count causes and effective treatment options:

To solve your queries let understand about low sperm count problem.

Low sperm count is a condition which is called as oligospermia. This is the term used to depict the condition when the sperm check is low, under 15 million sperm/ml. If there are no sperm at all in the semen test, the condition is named as azoospermia.

When you are attempting to have your children, the quantity of sperm you discharge is very vital. In case of low sperm or no sperm, we suggest book an appointment with Dr. Umesh R. Marathe for examining low sperm count and medical history.

In order to determine the best low sperm count treatment options, we will ask you whether there were any operations in the groin region, undescended testicles in adolescence or whether there has been any significant harm or disease in the genital zone. Be open, and take the benefit of effective treatment options for male infertility.

Achieve successful results with us!

Dr. Umesh R. Marathe founded Seeds IVF Infertility Doctor in Nashik. His infertility management which not only includes medical management and ART procedures but also counseling for stress management and lifestyle modification. Many patients have benefited with this different approach to their problem.

He has worked with thousands of infertile patients over the last decade using a combination of attentive personal care and advanced medical technology.


Fertility Enhancement Surgery

What is Endoscopic Surgery?

Endoscopic surgery (laparoscopy for infertility) is a surgery in which long telescope like instruments are used through small incisions or natural body openings in order to diagnose and treat disease. Another popular term is minimally invasive surgery (MIS), which emphasizes that diagnosis and treatments can be done with reduced body cavity invasion.

Commonly performed endoscopic surgeries in Infertility Treatment management are laparoscopy (instrument introduced through the abdomen to visualize the womb and its surroundings like the fallopian tube and ovaries from above) and hysteroscopy (instrument introduced through vagina and cervix to visualize the inside of the womb). Both of these can be either diagnostic (to diagnose the cause leading to infertility) or operative (to treat the condition leading to infertility ).


What is Laparoscopy for Infertility?

Laparoscopy for infertility is a procedure that involves insertion of a narrow telescope-like instrument through a small incision in or near the belly button. This allows visualization of the abdominal and pelvic organs including the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Laparoscopy is sometimes referred to as ‘band-aid’ surgery since the incisions are very small and usually covered with a band-aid (Steri-strip). Some people refer to it as a key- hole surgery or minimally invasive surgery.

1. Endometrioma (Cyst in ovary containing blood

2. Hydrosalpinx or pyosalpinx (Infective fluid or pus in uterine tubes)

3. Pelvic adhesions (sticky bands similar to what is seen when there is fevicol smeared in between our fingers )

4. with or without tubo ovarian mass (Usually these occur following infection in pelvic region)

5. Bulky polycystic ovaries (PCOS) not responding to medical line of management.

Donor Programs

What does egg donation mean?

Donor egg program includes oocyte retrieval from healthy young donors after controlled ovarian hyper stimulation followed by IVF and embryo transfer in recipient’s uterus.


Who are the Recipients?


Who are the Donors?
