


is a type of surgical procedure that allows a surgeon to access the inside of the abdomen (tummy) and pelvis without having to make large incisions in the skin. This procedure is also known as keyhole surgery or minimally invasive surgery.

How laparoscopy is carried out

Laparoscopy is carried out under general anaesthetic, so you won't feel any pain during the procedure.

During laparoscopy, the surgeon makes one or more small incisions in the abdomen. These allow the surgeon to insert the laparoscope, small surgical tools, and a tube used to pump gas into the abdomen. This makes it easier for the surgeon to look around and operate.

After the procedure, the gas is let out of your abdomen, the incisions are closed using stitches and a dressing is applied.

You can often go home on the same day of your laparoscopy, although you may need to stay in hospital overnight.

Laparoscopy has many uses, including the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, fibroid tumors, infertility, and ovarian cysts.

Many surgical procedures that used to be performed through larger abdominal incisions are now performed laparoscopically.

laparoscopy surgery centre in nashik

    Some of the laparoscopic procedures include:

    • Gynecologic cancer staging
    • Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus with or without the cervix)
    • Myomectomy (removal of fibroids)
    • Sterilization (tubal ligation)
    • Tubal reanastomosis

Because laparoscopic surgery eliminates the need for large abdominal incisions, and the recovery time is extremely fast. Even with hysterectomy procedures, most women are back to normal activities within a few weeks.

Not all gynecologic conditions can be treated with laparoscopy. Very large tumors or masses may need open surgery. Extensive endometriosis can also be very difficult to treat laparoscopically because of associated adhesions (scar tissue), which can involve the adjacent bowel, bladder, ureters, etc. Adhesions cannot be diagnosed with sonography or CT scans, so an operation may start with the laparoscope and end with an open procedure if extensive adhesive disease is present.

As with any surgery, there is a small risk of problems with laparoscopy. It is important to choose a surgeon who has experience in advanced laparoscopy to properly evaluate you for this type of procedure.


    Traditional/Native Tissue Repairs

    • Anterior colporrhaphy (repair of cystocele/dropped bladder using sutures)
    • Posterior colporrhaphy (repair of rectocele/rectal bulging using sutures)
    • Sacrospinous suspension (repair of apical prolapse using suture to attach the top of the vagina to a ligament deep in the pelvis)
    • Uterosacral ligament suspension (repair of apical prolapse using sutures to support the top of the vagina to ligaments originating from the sacrum on either side of the pelvis)

    Advanced laparoscopic surgeries for pelvic floor disorders, including:

    • Urinary incontinence (accidental loss of urine)
    •  Fecal incontinence (accidental loss of stool)
    •  elvic organ prolapse (including prolapse of the uterus, bladder, small bowel or vagina)
    • Pelvic pain and pressure
    •  Pelvic floor problems related to childbirth
    •  Frequent urinary tract infections
    • Sexual dysfunction
    • Painful intercourse
    •  Issues with bladder and rectal control
    •  Frequent urinary tract infections
    • Complications related to vaginal prolapse surgery, including vaginal graft/mesh erosion, pain with intercourse, and abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge
laparoscopy centre in nashik